But as slow as i found the first couple of chapters/books within the book, i loved it, and i will be reading the second one when i have the chance. I was so happy to experience a normal person being dragged into a magical situation and feeling like wow this is much harder than they make in the stories. This was hands down the best interpretation of what magic should really be like. Its always so natural and happy and easy in other stories but here its extremely hard work. The magic they learn is complicated and can be determined by the natural elements. Like having to know the type of weather conditions, time of day all as factors to make the spell work successfully. Overall i loved the experience the students had to go through to learn magic, the fact that it comes to those who deserve it, who are the smartest in the nation and how it comes down to only a select handful. It just seems like such a realistic take on how it would be handled. Quentin as far as a character goes is extremely annoying. What a depressed, ungrateful pain in the butt he is! Nothing makes this kid happy, he's just so miserable with everything. He's such a child when in comes to his reactions of things, he has no confidence and no balls to take charge of anything. His relationship with Alice when they graduate Brakebills is just so sad. They completely disregard each other. To me it seems like they are living the lives of young homeless drug addicts. It seems life after Brakebills is empty and there is nothing for them to do, they are beyond normal life because they have magic but there are only so many things to do with that magic degree as a field of work. They are stuck in a limbo of their life but at least they have money from the magic community to support themselves.
While in this rut Penny comes out of nowhere with the button to take them to Fillory. Now the adventure can finally begin because their depressed lives were really starting to get to me. And after all this time Quentin is finally getting what he's always wanted to be happy he's still just a miserable as before. Alice put it best when she explained how pathetic of a person his is. Now when they get to this place of childhood fantasy to complete the task of helping the people of Fillory in a fun and magical quest its a completely dangerous place and nothing like they had hopped and in the end they are hurt beyond anything by Alice's death and the loss of Penny's hands. The ending for me worked, I'm glad there is a book two because there were a bunch of things left unanswered. The biggest one for me is what Quentin's discipline really is.
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