Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Interview with a Vampire Revision

So the first time I wrote this I think it came out too messy. So revision.

I've always wanted to read this book and start this series. Anne Rice is just one of those writers that you just have to read so now I got my chance. I LOVED this book. And damn the movie adapted to it really well. I was able to get a really good picture in my head at what everything looked like and the time period. Louis was a lot more depressed in the book than he was portrayed in the movie which is what I seem to compare it too since thats what i saw first. Lestat was also a lot more pathetic in personality then what i expected as well. He was controlling and rude and mean but that was only because he was lonely, desperate and bad with money which is the opposite of Louis. I really enjoyed the back story of more of Louis life. To learn about his family and especially his brother who was really important in defining him as a person. When Lestat's back story became known i actually expected him to be a lot older than what he was. It was strange, with his cruel personality, to know that he still kept care of his elderly father and spoiled him with all the wealth acquired through Louis. Claudia comes into the story basically as a way to keep Louis in Lestats company. A 5 year old girl who will be damned for the rest of her life as she mentally grows but physically stays the same, how much that would suck... They treat her like a child and care for her like their own, but soon she surpasses the cleverness and cunning of both Louis and Lestat which isnt surprising. How easy it is to underestimate her with her small size. In the years with Lestat, Louis takes a really hard look at his life and what it means. He comes to the realization that he doesnt need to be a monster like Lestat and if hes going to live forever he might as well make it worth while and learn stuff. So i liked that, its definitely a more positive direction than brooding and self loathing all the time. Plus its like a way to rebel against Lestat. But he still broods.
Lestat is just completely unbearable to live with, what a pain in the butt and so rude! I was glad that they tried to kill him, more in the book than the movie. Louis and Claudia are much better off without him, even though both men represent a part of the girl shes much more at home with Louis, he completes her in a way. What a strange sexually forbidden relationship there. Its not like they cant but physically they cant, plus sex really never comes to mind for anyone really. Its all about the blood lust. So off on the journey to Europe to learn the truth of their kind where sadly they are as truly cruel as Lestat made mention, but Armand was an interesting character. I cant wait to read his specific book. Such an understanding guy, there was definitely a manly love between him and Louis. You could just sense the attraction by Annes writing. This book was pretty intense in the idea of God and what makes you a monster, and then to learn that this was all in relation to the death of Anne Rice's daughter who died it really makes sense. To question those kinds of things…The death of Claudia was really sad as well, i wanted to cry. Poor Louis forever alone.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Brother from Another Planet

Not at all what i expected. This movie has been sitting in my recommended list for a long time on my netflix and so now i get to watch it. Umm what to say...i expected more talking from the main character i guess, he didn't say a lot...The atmosphere of the bar was pretty cool, of course everyone there was nice to the newcomer, especially after the white guys were trying to hunt him down...yea it was pretty obvious the whole slavery angle...But an interesting movie. I enjoyed the ending with all the other escaped slaves coming to his rescue.


Damn what a fucked up movie. Total acid trip from hell. There were too many parts where i didn't know what was reality and what wasn't. And using his stomach as a pocket for that gun? How on earth did that work out in the real world because that wasn't happening. I did love the effect of the breathing tv, that was cool.

Oryx and Crake

I found this book at a thrift store about 2 years ago because i love Margaret Atwood and cant leave a good cheap book find behind. So I'm glad I've finally gotten to read it. Damn this book was scary. It hits a little too close to home in the direction of over population, food genetics, gene splicing and peoples panic towards disease. It moved a bit slow at first because i just was so curious about how the entire human race was dead except for this one guy and why he chose of all places to stay in a tree rather than in an abandoned home or some better shelter. Plus based on his descriptions i was curious at how much time had passed because it all sounded far too decayed and ruined to have just happened. Plus what's with the crazy weather?
So we go through snowman's childhood which was just so sad and depressing to read. That poor kid to have a father who doesn't pay attention and a mother who's not all mentally there. Its no wonder he has so many personality flaws and is just so difficult to truly like. He was just so depressing and pathetic, plus emotionally unaware of anyone around him and an annoying sex addict. It was just my dick this and my dick that..
It was interesting the way the compounds were described, i still cant visualize if they were in a dome like compound or just really high walls blocking them from the outside but the sky was open. Compared to housing in Florida for example now, it was basically like a futuristic, larger scale home development with a guard gate and the pleeblands were the normal streets of a town to me. The rich and privileged blocked in to keep the poor and filthy out.
My first reaction to the descriptions of Oryx and Crake were that they were a part of snowman and he was kinda a schitzo, but i was happy to learn they were real people. The things that Crake and Jimmy would watch online was really creepy. How easily they were able to access this child porn, videos of executions, the nite-nite.com of suicides. And to know that that was the majority for what the internet was for, it was strictly sex, death and weird games that i didn't fully understand how they played. Extinctathon was Crakes favorite, i don't believe i really understood how those people played a part in his final plan at the end, that kind of confused me...Some things flew over my head I'm sure, it was fairly complicated in some parts. Im not a big science person.
But overall this book i gathered was about where to draw the line in playing god. It begins with Jimmy's mom becoming depressed with her life over her work and the work of her husband and the people around her, she had enough. It weighed too heavy on her conscience all this splicing and organ growing to sell to poor people for far too much money just to get better. Then when Crake reveals how his father new his job was putting viruses in vitamins in order to make people sick to then sell them the antidote just to make more money! That hits a little too close to home right now. Everywhere you look these days there's a new disease you didn't know you had and a pill to fix it. But when Crake starts showing Jimmy his new school and all the things they are working on the same question pops up, where do you draw the line? That chickenNob was just waay too much. But i can also see how that would be the next direction for us with the over population of people and limited resources. There are just too many people, and the more food you create the more people, how do you fix this problem? Crake knew, to him it was the only way. Sure he had the sterilization pill but he obviously didn't believe it would be the cure. The world was just too fucked up, too corrupted and diseased the only way was to start from scratch with a new race with the right mindset to stay pure, like animals do.
Scary shit.

O and i was sooo sad when Jimmy's mom took killer away, he would never have survived after being domesticated like he was.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


What a cool book, i loved it. When i started to read it i was a bit confused. Your just thrown into this government situation and have no idea what these people are talking about or why her poems are so wonderful. But as i continue and still have no idea what everything should look like in my head, i think, i dont care thats not whats important. I thought Rydra what a pretty great character. I dont see why so many people complained about how perfect she was, she had plenty of issues. She did however always seem to pass out at the right time in the comfort of some strong mans care though...I loved all the characters on her crew. Cali was very funny and i liked him immediately, Ron was ok but he got better after they found Molly to complete their trio. Brass was awesome from the start and i love how he couldnt pronounce any word with 'p' in it. i was just trying to picture this lion man with a speech problem. I also tried to picture the Slug, a 300 lb guy taking care of the "kids." To think that 17 was considered being a child, but i guess thats what happens when you can live a much longer life, the age brackets change. The body modification! How crazy, flowers on shoulders, dragons IN shoulders, tails! and seeing the customs officer getting a mod in under 5 minutes. REALLY?! it could never be that fast and painless...but one could only hope for that in the future.

The basis was on language. What an interesting idea of creating a computer-like language that is so powerful it can alter personalities for its own benefits by creating some sort of self preservation. Like with the damaged ship parts. I never felt like anyone on that ship could have damaged it other than Rydra but of course you dont think its her either. But of everyone she was the most obvious answer. We jump from place to place and she was right about where the next bombing would be, escape from that and now were on a pirate ship. This girl is popular by everyone no matter where she goes. Everyone knows who she is and wants to hear about her poetry but she hates talking about it. but you dont say no to a pirate. The Butcher, interesting guy who doesnt say much but i guess that was the appeal of him to her. That was a bit confusing when they started talking telepathic in the graveyard...and they just kept talking that way to each other from then on. Then they get stuck in a telepathic lockdown. That i didnt fully understand either...but once they were free and explained the purpose and function of Babel17 it was very clear to me. But what an anti-climatic ending, eh?

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I love this movie, what a silly and great movie. David Bowie is just amazing. Sarah as a character i find a bit annoying. It just feels like her acting in this part is just overdoing everything. Overly dramatic, but maybe its her lines as well. But other than the creepiness of how everyone seems to act in this movie, its just so ridiculous that you cant not love it.

The Magicians

While reading this book, i felt a very strong personal connection to how it began. The main character Quentin loves this book series he's read as a child and just wishes so much that his boring life could be like this book. I love fantasy books or just wild books of fiction about magical things happening in the normal world around us and wish after every book i finish how it could be real and how would my personal story being to be in this magical world. How would i handle the situations the main characters have to deal with, what would i do differently?
But as slow as i found the first couple of chapters/books within the book, i loved it, and i will be reading the second one when i have the chance. I was so happy to experience a normal person being dragged into a magical situation and feeling like wow this is much harder than they make in the stories. This was hands down the best interpretation of what magic should really be like. Its always so natural and happy and easy in other stories but here its extremely hard work. The magic they learn is complicated and can be determined by the natural elements. Like having to know the type of weather conditions, time of day all as factors to make the spell work successfully. Overall i loved the experience the students had to go through to learn magic, the fact that it comes to those who deserve it, who are the smartest in the nation and how it comes down to only a select handful. It just seems like such a realistic take on how it would be handled. Quentin as far as a character goes is extremely annoying. What a depressed, ungrateful pain in the butt he is! Nothing makes this kid happy, he's just so miserable with everything. He's such a child when in comes to his reactions of things, he has no confidence and no balls to take charge of anything. His relationship with Alice when they graduate Brakebills is just so sad. They completely disregard each other. To me it seems like they are living the lives of young homeless drug addicts. It seems life after Brakebills is empty and there is nothing for them to do, they are beyond normal life because they have magic but there are only so many things to do with that magic degree as a field of work. They are stuck in a limbo of their life but at least they have money from the magic community to support themselves.
While in this rut Penny comes out of nowhere with the button to take them to Fillory. Now the adventure can finally begin because their depressed lives were really starting to get to me. And after all this time Quentin is finally getting what he's always wanted to be happy he's still just a miserable as before. Alice put it best when she explained how pathetic of a person his is. Now when they get to this place of childhood fantasy to complete the task of helping the people of Fillory in a fun and magical quest its a completely dangerous place and nothing like they had hopped and in the end they are hurt beyond anything by Alice's death and the loss of Penny's hands. The ending for me worked, I'm glad there is a book two because there were a bunch of things left unanswered. The biggest one for me is what Quentin's discipline really is.


This movie was sooooo boring to begin with. The whole time i was waiting for something scary to happen. Although we did meet some interesting characters along the way. I understand how having a strong story to go with the horror made it even more brutal in the end. Things then became a bit more trippy which was pretty sweet, i was a bit distorted about reality and i think that was very successful in that way.
Man that ending was CRAZY. That girl was f-ed up. The way she tortured that guy was just terrible. He never did anything to her other than want to be with her, but someone that abused could not be fixed anyway. And he honestly should have listened to his friend. All the warning signs were there but he just didn't want to see it.
I was so relieved when she didn't manage to hurt his son and he actually managed to kick her down the stairs. Thank goodness, she needed that badly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Lost Boys

I still don't see the appeal to this movie. I guess its one of those cult movies, but maybe not a very popular one but this was just waaay to cheesy for my taste and i didn't like their vampire-ness at all.

Interview with the Vampire

O man I loved this book. I've always enjoyed the movie and I've been meaning to read this series for far too long so I love having this class as a reason to finally get too it. So.

Wow, how similar and different it was to the movie. The book, as usual, gives so much more depth to the characters and whats going on. Louie is faaaarrr more depressed and emotional than he seems in the movie. There is so much more thought behind all his actions and how he feels to live in his new life. This book focuses on whats right and wrong, is he truly evil, is he a part of the devil and how could god make such a creature. Something very interesting in relation to that that Armand said to him that everything is made from god, including the devil so everyone is gods child. You always think of the devil as its own creator when really his isnt. That struck me while reading that part..

Monster Island

oooo i did not like this book at all. Well story, it wasn't in book form. I hated every character. I felt no desire for anyone to stay alive i wanted them to die, because they all sucked. Gary was a pain in the ass, what did he expect, everyone to just accept him? He was a damn zombie of course they were freaked out. Half the time he was fighting the urge to not eat their flesh. Dekalb was a terrible character! What a weakling. His daughter was far better off without him. At least she could learn to grow some balls with those women in Africa. And that was pretty cool, that the only people to survive strong were women, you don't normally see that in zombie movies or books I'm sure. But after a while all those girls being badass and all on their missions...It got old fast. Then the deal with the ancient mummy guy Mael. I didn't like that at all. The only cool part was that there was some sort of magical mental link between Gary/Mael and the rest of the dead. That only those of some intelligence could access it and draw power from it by taking in the life force of the other dead beings. At least at the end Dekalb could be useful in the way that A-hole Gary wouldn't by cleaning up the mess of the zombies by absorbing their life force all over the world to get rid of them so man kind could start all over again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Conventions of Horror

1. Spiderwebs
2. Pretty young busty woman
3. Dark lighting
4. Castle
5. Creepy assistants
6. Lightning
7. Creepy music
8. Night time traveling
9. Scared animals
10. Fast victim, slow killer, they still always catch up and kill the victim.
11. Power goes out